I know a lot of you out there have a hell of a time eating 4, 5 even 6 times a day. It can be very tough to do but I assure you the rewards are amazing. I eat a lot and the really cool thing about this type of eating is the simple changes that can be made to gain muscle or lose fat. If I get bored and want to try and pack on a few pounds of muscle I would simply add 50-100 calories to each meal and the exact opposite(drop 50 cals/off each meal) holds true if I needed to lose fat.
Supportive nutrition and zig zagging your calories up and down is by far the best tool you can have in your toolbox when it comes to achieving fitness success. If you eat a breakfast,lunch and dinner you're only two meals away from your five daily meals so all you have to do is patch in two simple meals.
Here is a simple trick. You need two meals, so make a tuna fish sandwich, I mean a really good muscle building fat burning tuna sandwich. Whole wheat bread and a can or envelope of white albacore,1 tablespoon real mayo capers/celery/onions/lettuce leaves tomatoes the works. Stay disciplined on the mayo cuz that is where you can get in a lot of trouble with calories so if your looking to lose fat you have to be smart with condiments.
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Ok, now that you have your Dagwood tuna sandwich constructed here is the tricky part so don't freak out. Cut it in half... BINGO! You have two meals. The calories will vary from 225-325 per half, this all depends on how and who made them but this is as easy as it gets. You can do this with any meal it makes no difference what it is you just have to be open to making some changes for the pursuit of your goals.
When you go out to eat you need to maintain the same outlook. Order your normal supportive meal and have the waitress bring a to go box when the food is served. You carefully halve your meal and put one half in the box and close it and then go about consuming that which is left on your plate. Now you have a great meal for the next day and you didn't blow your eating scheme by devouring to big of a meal for dinner.
As for remembering when to eat I advise all my clients clients to put little post its on their computers, in their cars and anywhere else you often look throughout the day with the word "EAT" scratched in big bold letters. Its silly but effective. Keep it simple and safe.