Does this scenario sound familiar$%: It is Sunday afternoon, and after a long weekend I want to take the time to touch base with family and friends by sending a note or a special card. Now, I have to go on a hunting expedition for stationery, stamps, a pen, my addresses, etc. And, of course, they're all located in different places around the house. I know how important it is to stay in touch with people and express gratitude to them, yet it seems like such an ordeal to get started.
I came up with a solution that I hope can help you as well. I created my very own personal correspondence kit. It was really easy and now everything I need to write a quick thank you card or letter is all conveniently located in one place.
Here's how:
Find an attractive container or basket to store your supplies in. My container of choice is a pretty wicker basket that matches with my home office d:%$eacute;cor. If you choose to store your correspondence kit in a drawer or file cabinet, you can use something as simple as a plastic storage container.
Now you will need to compile all of your supplies. The most important item for your kit is a wide variety of note cards and stationery. I love to give all of my correspondence a personal touch, so I always have a wide variety of personalized stationery on hand. I try to match the theme of the stationery to the time of the year or a theme the recipient would like. For example, if I am sending a note to my niece, I might send her a note card depicting a fun purse.
Another correspondence kit essential is personalized address labels. This makes addressing your correspondence so quick and easy. Make sure to also have a good supply of stamps and your favorite writing utensil on hand. I also like to decorate my envelopes with pretty stickers or seals, so I also stock up on these.
Finally, it is important to have your addresses close at hand. There are so many different ways to store your addresses now (i.e. address books, Microsoft Outlook, in your planner, etc.), so you need to come up with a way that works best for you. Personally, I store my addresses in my digital planning software. I print out a hard copy of my address book and store it with my correspondence kit.
I hope you will get started on creating your personal correspondence kit today!